Personal Information


Department of  Urban Planning

Architecture and Planning Faculty

Contact Information

Phone: 66593 Ext. 66593


Wahid Zakaria Ibrahim Salem



Dr. Wahid Zakaria Ibrahim Salem works in the field of Architectural and urban Design Department at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. He is currently an associate professor in King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, SA. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Aachen; Western Germany specialized in urban design and evolution of city center. He has distinguished himself in the fields of pedestrian passage urban design, Design and development of civic centers, evaluation of city center, and layout arrangements studies.  Dr. Salem has more that fifteen research publications in both local and international periodicals, journal, and conferences. He administrated many practical projects to develop Egyptian villages and he designed and executed many successful projects in Egypt, Germany, and Saudi Arabia.                                                             


  • 1997

    Doctorate degree from Arch. Dept.Faculty of Arch., RWTH-Aachen, آخن, المــانــيا


Research Interests

Scientific interests


Housing 400 URP
Planning Prossec 220 URP
Urban design 403 URP

Areas of expertise