Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
النمط الجيني ومقاومة العقاقير المضادة للفيروسلت القهرية في فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية -1 في جازان، المملكة العربية السعودية.
Subject : Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Introduction: HIV is a major public health problem. HIV genotyping and antiretroviral resistance testing is an important guide for better management of treatment-naive. Antiretroviral resistance testing before starting of treatment regimen leads to better virological response. The prevalence of transmitted antiretroviral drug resistance in treatment-naive individuals is dependent on the prevalence of drug resistance in the community. Scarce data are available on this subject in Saudi Arabia. Aim: Determine the HIV-1 genotypes and identify the most common HIV-1 antiretroviral mutations among HIV patients in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A total of 57 samples were collected from the HIV clinic at King Fahd Hospital, Jazan, Saudi Arabia from treatment-naive patients. All samples were screened for HIV-1 antibodies and viral load. HIV-1 genotypes were tested by sequencing and antiretroviral resistance testing. Results: In the studied population, HIV-1 genotypes were as follows: C:38, D:6, G:5, B:4, CRF01_AE:2, A and CRF02_AG:1. Of the recruited subjects, 78.9% showed antiretroviral susceptibility to all 3 major classes of antiretroviral: Protease Inhibitor (PI), Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) and Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) ;while 10.5% had mutations known to confer high-level resistance to one or more of NRTI. Mutations known to confer high-level resistance to PI were detected in 1.8% of the cases. Low-level resistance mutations to one or more of NRTI were detected in 10.5% of cases, with 1.8% had mutations known to confer low-level resistance to both NNRTI and PI. Mutations known to confer potential low-level resistance to NNRTI were detected in 3.5% of cases. Antiretroviral associated mutations included: M184V, VI79DV, E138A, V82A+I84IV, L33LF, L89LMV, L10F+Q58E, L10FV, and L10F+V82Y. Conclusion: The prevalence of HIV-1 antiretroviral resistance mutations is 21.1% in the studied population which might justify for antiretroviral drug resistance testing prior treatment to aid and guide the physicians for the proper HIV treatment. 
Supervisor : Prof. Esam Ibraheem Azhar 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1440 AH
2018 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, October 31, 2018 


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اعتزاز عبدالشكور زكيZaki, Eitezaz AbdulshakoorResearcherMaster 


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